Umbrella Insurance

Does Umbrella Insurance Cover Workers Comp In Arkansas?

a man in a safety vest and helmet holding a man's leg

Umbrella insurance is often touted as an essential safeguard for individuals and businesses seeking to protect their assets from large, unforeseen liabilities. It extends coverage beyond the limits of underlying policies such as auto, homeowners, and general liability insurance. However, there is a common misconception about its scope, particularly regarding its relevance to workers’ compensation […]

What is an Umbrella Insurance Policy?

a cut out of a house and a couple of people holding hands

In Fayetteville, Arkansas, as in any other city, protecting oneself against unforeseen events is paramount. While standard insurance policies like auto, home, and health insurance provide essential coverage, they may have limits that could leave individuals vulnerable to financial risks. This is where umbrella insurance policies come into play. In this comprehensive guide, we will […]