Is Afib Considered Heart Disease for Life Insurance?

Is Afib considered heart disease for Life Insurance

Getting a new medical diagnosis can be scary, but sorting out life insurance in case of the worst-case scenario can be a great first step. Discover if AFib is considered a heart disease by insurance companies and how it can impact your life insurance coverage.

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a common heart condition that can lead to stroke and other serious health problems. It affects about 1 in 500 Americans over the age of 50, making it the most common type of atrial arrhythmia. While not life-threatening, AFib can cause chest pain, dizziness, and fatigue. If left untreated or inadequately managed by your doctor or cardiologist, AFib may progress into congestive heart failure. This carries an increased risk of death compared with people without this condition

What is AFib?

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a common heart rhythm problem that causes an irregular heartbeat. It can cause shortness of breath, dizziness, and palpitations.

AFib is different from atrial flutter, which occurs when the upper chambers of your heart beat faster than normal but they don’t cause any problems as AFib does.

An event with irregular heartbeats or rapid heart rate can be caused by other factors such as high blood pressure, arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), diabetes, high cholesterol levels, smoking cigarettes, and eating too much salt – all these things can lead to AFib.

Which Type of Atrial Fibrillation Do You Have?

There are two types of atrial fibrillation. Paroxysmal AFib is a temporary disruption in the heart’s electrical system. On the other hand, Persistent AFib is a more serious condition that can lead to heart failure and stroke.

If you’ve been diagnosed with paroxysmal AFib, you may experience symptoms like palpitations or shortness of breath when you’re exercising, or your heartbeat becomes irregular for a few seconds before returning to normal. If your AFib occurs more often than once every three minutes (the average duration), it’s considered persistent.

Persistent AFib can cause blood clots that travel to the brain, which is a major risk factor for stroke. The good news is that it’s usually treatable with medications and lifestyle changes.

Does AFib Affect Life Insurance?

When it comes to life insurance, having AFib can impact your coverage and rates. Life insurance companies generally consider AFib as a pre-existing medical condition. They will also take into account factors such as the severity of the condition, the age of onset, and any related complications.

If your AFib is well-controlled and you have not experienced any significant complications, you may still be eligible for life insurance coverage, but your rates may be higher than someone without the condition. If you have more severe AFib or have experienced complications such as a stroke, your rates may be even higher. You may be subject to more stringent underwriting requirements.

It’s important to be upfront about any medical conditions when applying for life insurance. Failing to disclose a pre-existing condition could result in your policy being denied or canceled. Working with a knowledgeable independent insurance agent can help you find a policy that fits your needs and budget.

Is AFib Considered a Heart Disease for Life Insurance?

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a type of heart disease, but how it’s classified by life insurance companies can vary. Some insurance companies may classify AFib as a type of heart disease and apply underwriting guidelines accordingly. Other insurers may view AFib as a separate condition that has different risk factors and may assess it differently.

Regardless of how it’s classified, if you have AFib and are applying for life insurance, you should expect to undergo a medical underwriting process that includes an evaluation of your condition, medical history, and overall health. The underwriting process will help determine your eligibility for coverage and the rates you will pay.

Other Health Issues that Affect Atrial Fibrillation and Life Expectancy

The other health issues that can affect your life expectancy include:

● Genetic predisposition to atrial fibrillation (AFib) and heart disease. Some people are born with a gene that causes them to have AFib, which means they’re more likely to develop heart disease later in life.
● Age-related changes in the body’s ability to fight off infections and viruses. As we age, our immune system becomes less effective at fighting off certain illnesses and infections–which may raise the risk of developing AFib or other chronic diseases later on in life.
● Depression and anxiety. People who suffer from depression or anxiety may be at increased risk of developing AFib because their bodies produce higher levels of stress hormones that increase heart rate and blood pressure.

What Questions Will My Agent Have When Shopping for My Life Insurance Policy?

If you have a family history of heart disease, are overweight, smoke, or have high blood pressure or diabetes there’s a good chance that your agent will ask these questions during the shopping process:

● Do you have a family history of heart disease?
● Are you overweight?
● Do you smoke?
● Do your parents smoke and if so, do they have any related health problems? If they do what kind of health problems exactly (e.g., cancer), and how old were they when diagnosed with cancer?

You should also ask yourself this question because if one parent has had cancer then the chances are higher that their children may be at risk too. It’s important to know whether any family members suffered from this illness before it was detected so that we can make sure there isn’t anything else going on before buying life insurance policies for them–or someone else.

If you’re not sure about your health, the best thing to do is to go for a medical check-up. It’s essential to get a full physical exam with blood tests, an electrocardiogram (ECG), and other
tests to give us some idea of your overall health status.

How can G&G Help With Your Life Insurance Needs?

G&G Independent Insurance understands that you may have a variety of health issues and concerns. We also know that it can be difficult to find affordable life insurance coverage if you have any pre-existing conditions or limits on your medical history. G&G has a range of options available to fit your needs, including:

● Medical health insurance plans with no pre-existing condition exclusions
● Medical health insurance plans with no lifetime dollar limits on benefits


In conclusion, atrial fibrillation can be a serious health concern for those who have the condition. While it’s not a heart attack, it is something that needs to be monitored and treated regularly.

Call G&G today to get a life insurance quote!